How is PCOS treated?
Many women diagnosed with PCOS feel very upset, but there are only really three problems that need to be addressed, and they can all be managed fairly easily.
Firstly, irregular cycles may not be good for your health in the long term, but these can be corrected with hormonal treatment, which has very minimal side effects. If you are not trying to conceive, the contraceptive pill can be used to regulate your periods and protect your uterus from the long-term effects of irregular periods, and also to help reduce acne and facial hair.
Secondly, infrequent ovulation can cause infertility, but this can be treated easily with ovulation inducing medications like clomiphene, or injections of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Once ovulation does occur, women with PCOS usually have a high chance of falling pregnant.
And lastly, making healthy changes to your lifestyle can significantly reduce the future risk of diabetes. For women who are overweight, reducing your body mass index (BMI) is the most common form of treatment and can return your ovulatory cycles to normal.
Posted in: Common queries about PCOS, Common Queries Regarding Gynaecology